After Losing 160lbs This Guy is Insecure About His Loose Skin

Meet John Glaude aka ObsesetoBeast. The photo on the left is before he underwent a huge weight loss of 160 lbs!

He says since losing the weight, he's comfortable when he's wearing clothing, AND doesn't Glaude does look great?!

After Losing 160 Pounds, This Guy Feels Insecure About His Loose Skin

Unfortunately with losing so much weight, Glaude points out he has loose skin, which hasn't shrunk like the rest of his bod.

After Losing 160 Pounds, This Guy Feels Insecure About His Loose Skin

Bravely Glaude decided to make a video to show others his body, even though it made him uncomfortable. Here he removes he shirt to reveal the excess skin on his torso.

After Losing 160 Pounds, This Guy Feels Insecure About His Loose Skin

As he pulls on his chest he says of his loose skin, “That’s a lot”..
After Losing 160 Pounds, This Guy Feels Insecure About His Loose Skin

Glaude expresses that losing massive amount of weight isn't just about taking the weight off: “This is not what I would’ve wanted after losing 160 pounds, right? I would’ve wanted to have a perfect body.”

After Losing 160 Pounds, This Guy Feels Insecure About His Loose Skin

He wants viewers to know that he's "OK" with his present results of weight-loss. Glaude strongly believes, although loose skin comes with massive weight loss, no one should let it stop them from losing weight in the first place.

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